Friday, July 08, 2005

DnD Web comic!

Most of you guys have seen Order of the Stick before. If not, check it out, it's a hilarious little comic.

The author of that strip has another one called Five Foot Steps that is an official part of the WoTC RPGA site. Looks like it's pretty funny, too, from the player's perspective instead of the characters.

Well, yeah. That is all.


Anonymous said...


That last one has happened to me like 18 times!
you spend hours making this beautiful setting, and then the fucking players, *cough too many to name cough* say something like,
"We go in and get him, then head back on the road."

No setting. no beautiful description of elaborate forest home. Nothing.

Cade said...

If I had a quarter for every town i had a character help destroy