Saturday, October 02, 2004

Mild Annoyances

The school did a demo yesterday. Really wish it could have been better. It was a small-town festival a few miles down the road, and I knew it wasn't going to go well. We did this same festival 2 years ago, and brought about 8 students, I think. This year, it was me and two students, a 9-year old and a college-ager. We showed off some basic techniques, some forms, some forms application, self defense, weapons form and application, and some sparring. We started late, as we didn't know who to talk to about where or when to do the demo, and I had forgotten to bring several items that would have helped out significantly. The students did great, though, and we had a good time.

There is this group of people staying at the hotel right now that, as the title suggests, is mildly annoying. In fact, all of the guests that I've spoken to today are mildly annoying.

Hmm... maybe they aren't, really. I've just been in a bad mood lately. Maybe that's it.

Or maybe they are just really annoying.

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