Saturday, April 09, 2005


Pardon me whilst I wax sentimental.


Anonymous said...

I dont think that you are too giving with it, what is a life worth that would not be given to save a friend?

And yes the transient nature of relationships do suck, but at the very least we have more opportunity for contact now than our parents did.

Taphu said...

Sorry Nathan, I'm going to have to call at least a little bit of BS.

Friends do not come and go. If they did, you wouldn't miss them. They are clearly still in your heart.

Also, "Friends come and go, but your familly will always be there for you." I think is a contradiction for 2 reasons.

A) In my opinion "friend" and "family" are the same. Look at the Davids and I: not blood related, and have you ever seen anyone at all from my dad's side?

Look at YOU and I, also not blood related (and we haven't even known each other that long) but I consider you friend/family (uhh "framily"??), and I'm here to stay.

B) The whole purpose of a friend/family is not that they are there for you, but that you are there for them. Friendship is not a two way street. Some people think this is bad, but I think it is good. It makes it possible for your gift to be unselfish and beautiful.

Nevertheless, I'm being pedantic. I really do understand exactly what you really mean. I also miss my friends (that I don't get to see). Sometimes a whole lot. And it sux bad that I can't see them every day. This is just food for thought.

Anonymous said...

You're very lucky with your many friends, either that or a good friend. I've always had very few friends at a time, and I'm rarely ever that close.

Anonymous said...

Nathan, I love you. I disagree with your mom, and I think you do too. If you didn't you wouldn't care so much for your friends.
I wish it weren't so hard maintaining friendships with the people you don't see everyday too, but, you still have those friends.
Families should alays be there for you, but the truth of the matter is that some families aren't. That doesn't apply to either of our families, and were very lucky that way. I personally have a lot of family that I consider to be some of my closest friends, but you are my family that was a friend first. You are also my friend who will never move away. Thank you for that.

Anonymous said...

I miss you guys as well. I sometimes seriously consider just packing everything up and moving back home at a moments notice, but reality will come and slap me in the back of the head and after a bit of a fight we accept our differences. Yet one of these days, I have no doubt that I will return to the place I still call home. After I get tired of visiting this place. That day keeps getting sooner.

On a different note, at least the people in our group are still easy to contact. Provided that someone picks up the phone. (wink wink) YOu can call me at practically any moment you so desire. Go ahead and wake me up if you want. I will most likely not mind and thank you for it. Will catch you later on my homey, and I promise to see you when I get home, provided you arent the one driving me there....(:

Cade said...

if friends were easy to let go of why even have them...I admit my life hasn't always made it convenient for us to be together. I also have the tendency to talk about the old days over and over when we see each other. Either that or trivial matters. You are one of my best friends ever. I would gladly spend any free time I have with you or corey. Trust me when I say there are very few people I can be around for long periods of time without giong crazy.

Anonymous said...

I miss ya'll muchly!