Sunday, April 17, 2005

I love this stuff

The 'Classical Holy Grail' That May Re-Write the History of the World

Scientists are using infrared technology to read previously illegible documents - the largest collection of classical documents in the world. They've discovered previously unknown works by great Greek poets and playwrights, just in the first few days of examining them. Some are predicting a 20% increase in the number of great Greek and Roman documents in existence


Anonymous said...

That's REALLY exciting! I don't know if I agree with the comment about the second renaissance in there though.

Anonymous said...

no probably not another Renn. it would take more than a butload of knowledge flooding the market these days, but that is still the most exciting thing that i have read about in a while.

Just think what this will mean for T&T

Cade said...

0h my senses are tingling. This is the thing that makes me all a buzz. I am all for new scientific discoveries, but it is these things that just have me looking towards the future.