Thursday, April 14, 2005

Speed limits

Is nothing sacred anymore?

Light. Or rather, the speed of light. 3.0x108 meters per second (that's 3 followed by eight zeros, or 186000 miles an hour) - the one constant in the universe, right? Tell that to these people. They slowed light down to 17 meters per second, just over 38 miles an hour.

Like, I think I can ride a bicycle faster than that.


Cade said...

oh the universal laws change more and more everyday....ah humanity is its own greatest creation

Nathan said...

When I was 12, I had a speedometer on my bicycle, and my max speed topped out at around 35 mph. Couldn't hold that long, and I'm not saying I could hold 40 long. But for a few seconds, I'd be faster than light! :-)

Anonymous said...

lance armstrong going down hill....thats all im saying

Taphu said...

Yeah.. that's pretty cool.

Actually, the so called "speed" of light is not actually the speed of light, despite what everybody claims. The constant 'c' happens to be the same as light traveling in a vacume, but it's really not the same.

In fact, 'c' is not even the same as saying "as fast as you can go". It's more like saying "the time difference that will have occured for me, despite the fact that you are moving infinitely fast."

The person doing the moving, for all intents and purposes, can move infinitely fast (with the proper rocket ship :). He can jump to the other side of the universe in less than the blink of an eye (for him). It's just that during his eye-blink, the other side of the universe will have aged 20 billion years. And neither one of the time differences (eye-blink or 20 billion years) is more "right" or "real" than the other.

It will only take us 1 nanosecond to get to Alpha Centauri (with that cool-ass ship), but it will take Alpha Centauri 4.35 years for us to get there. Strange.

Ok.. sorry. I'm done.